The tradition of vinification in natural containers, reinterpreted and updated thanks to the continuous research on the raw material, strictly natural and Italian, has led to the definition of a range of amphorae for wine with different characteristics to respond to the growing desires of wineries and the most demanding wine makers.
Thanks to the use of Amphoras San Rocco Wine Jars, you can have a range of amphoras with a wide variety of:

  • Diversified porosity/breathability
  • Different natural raw materials with different answers about wine
  • Choice of aesthetic shapes and looks
  • Different Containment Capabilities
  • Different external finishes
  • A rich set of accessories
  • Possibility of customization

San Rocco Wine Jars

A complete selection of wine amphorae with different porosity, breathability, dimensions and finishes.

San Rocco Wine Jars

Information request form.

Would you like to know more about our Wine Amphorae?

Do not hesitate to contact us, we will answer all your questions.

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